Senior mind moves is eenvoudige oefeninge of bewegings wat help om die sintuie, die spiere, die brein en die senuwees of bedrading tussen die drie, sterk en gesond te hou sodat ons seker kan wees van die kwaliteit van lewe tydens die ouer-word proses.
Herfsland het twee gekwalifiseerde Senior Mind Moves fasiliteerders wat die kursusse graag by gemeentes, aftree-oorde en ander senior groepe aanbied.
011 972 5417
Johannie Louw –
or Ilze Pieterse –
Senior mind moves are easy exercises or movements which help to keep the senses, muscles, brain and the nervous system or wiring between the three strong and healthy to ensure quality of life in the senior years.
Two qualified Senior Mind Moves facilitators are available at Herfsland to present the courses at congregations, retirement villages and any other senior group.
Contact persons:
011 972 5417
Johannie Louw –
or Ilze Pieterse –